Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Big changes are coming my way...

It's been a while since I've updated my blog and I apologize.  I know that many of you have been holding your breath, sitting on the edge of your seats as you waited for another installment.  Breathe easy now and enjoy.

Today, I received some long-awaited news and received a job offer.  I've been staying at home for well over a year as I searched for a job.  I was determined to find a job that I wanted versus settling for a job I merely needed.  This proved to be a difficult task, but paid off in the end.  Thankfully, I'm not settling, I'm not giving up, and I'm not taking a job out of desperation.  I've spent many sleepless nights worrying about how this journey would end and if I was being selfish by holding out for the "right" job.  All of my worrying and stressing was worthwhile for myself and my family.  

I'll be the first to tell you that I'm not the most religious person you'll ever know.  Yes, I believe in God and I pray daily.  I'm not against organized religion, but I simply haven't found one that I feel is worthy of including myself in.  This past year has been a huge test of my faith, and it's always worth it to keep the faith.  Just like George Michael said.  That being said, many cliches were proven to be true for me today: 

When one door closes, another one opens.
Good things come to those who wait.  Even if it's something more important than ketchup.
That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger.  
What's meant to be, will be.

I won't bore you with anymore cliches, but just remember to keep your faith and hold strong to your values, and include your head and your heart in big decisions.  Everything really does find a way of working out.