Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Hello, everyone!  This post marks my virgin attempt at blogging, so forgive me if I tend to ramble.  I've spent the last 15 months "working" as a stay-at-home mom.  I know that there are plenty of women who love doing this long-term, but I must admit, I'm not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I love my husband, my kids, and my dogs, but I don't like feeling like a servant.  I love taking care of people, in fact, it's part of my nature.   But, I don't enjoy cooking and cleaning up after three meals a day, plus all of the other messes that are created during any given day.  If we were independently wealthy, I would hire a maid, put my son in pre-school part-time, and hire a personal trainer for myself.  This would break up the hum-drum of every day life and eliminate the need for me to play the role of wife, mother, maid, personal chef, and administrative assistant.  But, my last name isn't Kardashian, so off to work I go.  Soon.  I hope.

This past year has taught me many things and I wouldn't trade it for anything, even knowing the stress that job hunting has brought.  I've had the time to experiment with cooking, spend quality time with the kids, and to shift my focus back to being a wife and friend to my husband.  I realized that I became a robotic form of myself somewhere along the way after my son was born.  Managing a demanding full time job, coupled with the needs of my family caused me to put myself on over-drive and there I remained for nearly 3 years.  I've retrained myself to take a moment to enjoy life, even the stressful days, versus living my life on auto-pilot in an attempt to simply survive.   

My motivation for starting a blog is to reconnect with the world outside of my house, as well as to keep in touch with my friends and family that live far away.  Actually, I'm the one that lives far away, since my husband and I chose to leave Ohio and move to Texas in 2007.  And, I have to be honest, I'm an interesting person with a lot of great ideas and stories to share.  I would be doing the world an injustice to keep it all to myself and my circle of trust.

I hope this is the first of many posts that I will share with you.

Spread the word!

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