Sunday, January 22, 2012

Looking Back

Hello, everyone - 

When I started this blog, I had so many ideas swirling in my head regarding the theme/idea that I should follow.  To be honest, I have a touch of ADD (self-diagnosed), so I have lots of good ideas and those ideas change from day to day, often minute to minute.  So, I'm just going to share what's on my mind.  

The beginning of a new year seems to put so many of us back on the track of doing what we feel we should be doing versus what we are doing and/or want to be doing.  So, along with reminding myself to stay away from unnecessary calories and trying to improve my physical health, the beginning of a new year always leads me to reflecting on the past.  

2002 has always been a year that has, in some way, haunted me when I think back to it.  For me, it was a year of many ups and downs, life changing decisions, heartbreaking moments, and at times, pure exhilaration.  When I look back, I realize it was the year that I officially got my big girl pants.  

2002 started out pretty smoothly, until February rolled around.  This is when things really started rolling.  The abridged version of 2002 goes something like this: 

I was laid off from my job.  I said goodbye to someone I thought I loved.  I moved from Ohio to Hawaii.  I went sky diving for the first time.  The person that I thought I loved walked back into my life.  One of my cousins and closest friends gave birth to her son and I was fortunate enough to spend the first three weeks of his life with him.  I moved back to Ohio.  I started a new job.  I was wise enough to say goodbye for good to the person I thought I loved. And to round out the end of a tumultuous year, my Grandma passed away.  

2002 is a year that I always look back on with mixed emotions, but I'm always thankful.  I realize how fortunate I am to have lived through that year and to have these memories to look back on.  All of the events I listed above taught me many valuable lessons. I learned that being in love with someone combines a mutual respect, admiration, and unconditional love.  I learned that I had not yet really been in love, as every time I thought I loved someone, there was a critical piece of the equation missing.  I learned to take chances.  I learned to always make sure the people in my life know that I love them.  And I learned to listen to my heart and always consult my head. 

I think it's important to understand your weaknesses and vulnerabilities and I certainly do.  Before 2002 came along, I believed that there were certain decisions I would never make and things I would never do.  Now I know that given the right circumstances, anyone can choose to take actions that directly oppose one's personal belief system.  I surprised myself in 2002, by showing my weakness, my vulnerability, and most of all, my strength.  

It's hard to believe that it's been ten years since that roller coaster ride.  I don't know what 2012 has in store for me, but I have a feeling it's going to be good and without a doubt, there are certainly some changes and new opportunities on the horizon.

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